Future Friday

Last Friday, February 6th, Mr. Wigginton (the uncle of a fellow classmate) came to speak to us. He told us all about his career, which is the director of the GPSTC. Learning about this job was very interesting. He told us all about how police officers, firefighters, etc. trained. A few of my family members are police officers, and of course they have told me what they do, but it was a first to learn how they trained for this job. I really loved Mr. Wigginton’s presentation and I’m very excited for the Future Friday’s ahead.

My Learning Style!

Today in Mrs. McBrayer’s 6th period, we tested our learning style! Your  learning style is the way you learn best, like auditory, which is listening and hearing, visual where you learn best by presentations and seeing, and tactile  when hands on activities fit you best and/or when you are always touching or holding something with your hands. We quized ourselves  by taking a survey, with questions such as “Can remember more after my teacher tells me about a subject at the front of the class.” , and if this applies to us we check of the column  often.  If it only applies to us sometimes, we check that column.  If we really don’t learn anything by that style, we check the not often column! I thought this was a really fun activity and in my opinion, all students should try this to see how they learn best!

What I want to be when I grow up…

When I grow up I would love to be a pediatrician. Since I was little, I have always wanted to work with babies, and help people when they are ill. The best choice for me seemed to be a pediatrician, because you would be able to do both of those things!  Being a pediatrician involves lots of patience and responsibility. The babies could cry and scream, or kick and squirm. All babies are different so you have to be able to work with them individually.  There is also lots of different diseases and sicknesses the could have. In my opinion working with babies and small children seems to be so much fun, and when I grow up I hope to be able to fulfill this dream and accomplish helping lots of people!

all about me!

Hello my name is Sarah! I just started this blog with my class! I’m 11 years old, and go to Bremen Middle School. My favorite subjects are social studies, and business and computer science. I really like to read and some of my favorite books are One for the Murphy’s,  The Hunger Games,  Divergent, and The Watson’s go to Birmingham!  I enjoy volleyball, and all types of dance. I’m super glad we started to participate in blogging and I can’t wait to see where it leads!

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